Grammar ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

In this section of, you will find all of our pages and topics related to English grammar. Each page contains unbeatable grammar activities, games and worksheets that have been created by a devoted team of highly qualified English teachers and ESL professionals. We have made it our mission to bring our English teaching expertise together to provide rewarding and imaginative resources that help your students learn grammar and have fun at the same time. These engaging materials not only help you to teach grammar effectively, but also help to reinforce your students' understanding of how grammar is used by exploring the language with freer practice. All the teaching resources come in user-friendly A4 PDF format with full teacher’s notes. Many of our resources are completely free with direct download. We also offer editable PDF versions for members with full online access.

These ESL grammar games and activities help students practice the active voice and passive voice together. The resources help illustrate to students how these two grammatical forms differ and highlight how each one is used.
On this page, you will find grammar worksheets and activities about adverbial clauses. These resources help students learn how to form adverb clauses with subordinating conjunctions, subjects and verbs and practice using them to function as adverbs in a sentence.
Here you will find games, activities, and worksheets for students to learn and practice adverbial phrases. These resources help students learn how to form adverbial phrases to indicate the how, why, where and when of an action.
The grammar activities, games and worksheets on this page focus on be going to statements and help to teach students how to form and use affirmative and negative statements to talk about future plans and intentions.
In this section, you will find grammar activities and games about be going to Wh questions. These useful resources help students learn how to form and ask open questions about future plans and intentions.
This page provides grammar worksheets and activities about be going to yes/no questions that you can use to help students learn how to make closed questions about future plans and intentions and reply using short answers.
Here you will find a range of insightful ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets that practice be going to and the present continuous together. The resources cover be going to for future plans and intentions and the present continuous for fixed future plans and arrangements.
These fun grammar activities, games and worksheets help you to teach your students comparatives. You will also find engaging resources to teach comparative adjectives, sentence structure and common comparative expressions.
This impressive set of ESL grammar activities, worksheets and games helps your students to learn superlatives. There are also resources to help students practice superlative adjectives, sentence structure and questions that contain superlative forms.
These rewarding grammar games, ESL activities, worksheets and lessons combine comparative and superlative adjective forms and structures together. The page contains a wealth of fun resources to give students practice at using both forms with a wide range of adjectives and expressions.
Here are some grammar worksheets, games and ESL activities based on the zero conditional. These resources help students learn and practice how to use conditionals to talk about facts or things that are generally true.
In this section, you will find a large variety of grammar games, worksheets and ESL activities to help teach your students how to form and use the first conditional. Students can also learn phrases of probability and how to make future time clauses with when.
This page provides teachers with a variety of ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets based on the second conditional. There are also captivating resources to help students practice using the second conditional to ask and answer questions and talk about hypothetical situations.
Here is an engaging set of grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets to help students practice or review the third conditional. There are activities to teach students how to construct sentences and ask and answer questions using third conditional forms. Students can also practice using the third conditional to express regret, accept responsibility and talk about imaginary or unlikely situations in the past.
The grammar games, activities and worksheets on this page focus on mixed conditionals and help to illustrate how the zero, first, second and third conditional are different. Students can practice or review all the conditional structures to help them produce grammatically correct and appropriate conditional sentences or questions depending on the situation or context.
In this section, you will find ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets based on the future continuous that help students learn and practice how to talk about actions in progress at a certain time in the future.
Here you will find grammar activities and worksheets about the future continuous and future perfect tense that help illustrate how these two tenses are different and how to use them together. There are resources to help students learn how to talk about completed and unfinished actions in the future as well as activities about predictions, arrangements and plans.
On this page, you will find ESL grammar games, worksheets and activities to teach or review the future perfect continuous. There are speaking activities and miming games to help students practice the future perfect continuous structure as well as review worksheets that help students revise the uses of this tense.
This page provides engaging grammar games, worksheets and activities about the future perfect simple that help teach students how to talk about actions that will be completed before a particular time in the future.
The grammar worksheets, activities and games on this page focus on the future simple. There are resources to help teach students how to use the future simple form will for promises, offers, spontaneous decisions and predictions. You will also find materials to teach each function separately as well as resources that combine them together.
This page is packed with fun grammar activities, games and worksheets for teaching or reviewing future forms and their functions. These resources mainly help students learn how to distinguish between the three future forms: will, be going to and the present continuous, but you will also find resources that offer other combinations such as with the future perfect or future continuous.
These grammar resources help students learn and practice a variety of future time clauses. There are worksheets and games to help reinforce how these clauses indicate when a future event will happen as well as show students how to use them and join them to independent clauses.
These ESL grammar activities help students talk about various topics using gerunds and infinitives with and without to. There are also games and worksheets to help students learn how to ask and answer questions, make sentences and match verbs with gerund and infinitive forms.
These fun ESL activities, worksheets and games help students to learn and practice have, have got, haven't got, has, has got and hasn't got. You will also find a wide variety of resources to help students practice asking and answering questions using these structures.
This page provides grammar worksheets and games for I wish and If only. These resources help students learn and practice how to talk about wishes and regrets using I wish and If only with the past simple and past perfect.
Here you will find grammar worksheets and activities to help you teach imperatives. These resources help students learn and practice how the imperative mood is used for orders, instructions, suggestions, warnings, requests and classroom commands.
This page is packed with rewarding grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets about irregular verbs. These resources help students identify and use the infinitive, past simple and past participle form of irregular verbs. There are matching activities and memory games as well as speaking activities where students use irregular verbs in sentences and questions.
On this page, you will find ESL grammar worksheets and activities to help students learn narrative tenses. These resources help to teach students past tenses that are used to tell stories and talk about past events.
This page offers grammar games, worksheets and activities that help students learn how to form and use noun clauses. The resources also help to demonstrate to students how noun clauses work as dependent clauses that function like nouns.
This page provides grammar games, activities and worksheets that help students form noun phrases with pre and post modifiers and learn their multiple grammatical functions within a sentence.
This page provides teachers with a variety of enjoyable ESL grammar activities and games based on the passive voice. These resources cover mixed passive forms and help to illustrate the difference between the past, present and future passive as well as active and passive forms.
The grammar games and ESL activities on this page focus on the past continuous tense. These entertaining resources also help students learn how to use the past continuous and past simple together with words like when, while and as.
This page is packed with grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets based on the past perfect tense. There are resources to help students use the past perfect to describe experiences and events. Students can also practice how to give realistic and imaginative explanations using the past simple and past perfect.
Here you will find grammar worksheets, games and activities on the past perfect continuous. There are also resources to practice the past perfect continuous with the past simple, past continuous and past perfect.
On this page, you will find grammar resources about the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous that help teach students the difference between these two tenses and how to use them.
This outstanding set of grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets helps students to practice making past simple affirmative and negative statements. There are resources to combine the learning of past simple affirmative and negative statements with questions, time expressions and regular/irregular verb forms. There are also resources to help students utilize their knowledge of the past simple to tell stories and talk about routine actions and activities in the past.
This page offers an engaging assortment of ESL grammar activities and worksheets about the past simple passive. Students can learn to use the past simple passive to ask and answer questions about famous inventions/discoveries and create general knowledge quizzes and news stories. There are also resources to practice the past simple passive followed by infinitives with to as well as past simple passive and active forms.
Here you will find entertaining grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets to help students learn past simple regular verbs. These resources also give students extensive practice of the pronunciation of -ed sounds.
Here you will find grammar ESL activities, games and worksheets to help teach students how to use the verb to be in the past simple. Students can learn how to use was and were in yes/no questions, short answers and statements. The resources also provide students with the opportunity to use the past form of the verb to be with a variety of topics.
This page offers a large variety of ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets about past simple Wh questions. The resources give students extensive practice at forming past simple Wh questions in both spoken and written forms. There are also materials to help students ask and answer past simple Wh questions about past experiences and events.
These captivating ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets help students learn how to ask past simple yes/no questions with Did you...? These resources also help students learn how to answer past simple yes/no questions with short answers and ask past simple Wh follow-up questions.
On this page, there are ESL grammar activities and worksheets to help students practice the past simple and past continuous together. These resources help to show students the differences between the two tenses and also highlight to students how to use each one.
These engaging ESL grammar activities and games help to illustrate to students how the past simple and present perfect are different and how to use both tenses together.
Here you will find past tense grammar activities that help students review and consolidate their understanding of the past simple, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous.
This page provides a wealth of ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets to help you teach your students about the present continuous tense. Students can learn and practice present continuous affirmative and negative statements as well as Wh and yes/no questions. You will also find a variety of entertaining miming, drawing and memory games to help your students practice the present continuous structure.
These productive ESL grammar activities are ideal for teaching or reviewing the various uses of the present perfect tense. The page offers activities to practice giving news about recent events and talking about change. There are also games and worksheets about present perfect time expressions, question and answer forms and error correction.
On this page, there are fun grammar activities, games and worksheets to practice the present perfect for experience. There are resources to help students learn how to ask and answer present perfect Have you ever questions and use the past simple to ask for and give more information. Students can also learn to talk about their experiences using never, been and done.
In this section, you will find enjoyable ESL grammar activities, worksheets and games for practicing the present perfect with for and since. Students can learn how to use for and since with time words and expressions and practice asking and answering How long have you...? questions.
This page provides you with engaging grammar activities, games and worksheets to help your students practice the present perfect with just, yet and already.
These ESL grammar activities and games help to teach or review the present perfect continuous. You will find speaking activities and miming games to help students practice present perfect continuous question and answer forms as well as time expressions used with this tense.
This page offers fun ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets that give students extensive practice of present simple affirmative and negative statements. There are resources to help students learn how to identify the rules and verb forms associated with the present simple. Students can also learn how to describe routine activities and habitual actions using the present simple and adverbs of frequency.
Here you will find grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets to help teach the present simple passive. There are resources to help students learn how to use the present simple passive to describe processes, objects, facts and commonalities.
On this page, you will find ESL grammar activities to help teach students the present simple and present continuous together. These resources help to illustrate to students how the present simple and present continuous tense are different and help to highlight how to use each tense.
In this section, you will find grammar activities, games and worksheets focused on the present simple vs. the present perfect. These resources help illustrate the differences between the two tenses and how they can be used in tandem.
These fun ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets help students to learn and practice how to ask and answer present simple Wh questions with the verb to be and do. Students can also practice present simple Wh questions about habits, daily routines and personal information as well as questions in the third-person singular.
These captivating grammar activities, games and worksheets help to teach your students about present simple yes/no questions. Students learn how to ask present simple yes/no questions with do, does, and the verb to be, and how to respond to these questions with short answers.
On this page, you will find present tense review grammar games, activities and worksheets that help students review and consolidate their understanding of the present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple and present perfect continuous.
Here are some grammar ESL activities, games and worksheets to help you teach your students question words. The resources also help students practice using question words to form a variety of questions.
These enjoyable grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets help to teach your students about defining and non-defining relative clauses. The resources also help students to learn about relative pronouns and how they are used.
This page provides engaging ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets about reported speech. Students learn how to use reported speech to compare and give information about what other people said as well as report questions and answers to other people.
These ESL grammar games, activities and worksheets offer extensive practice of subject-verb agreement to help students practice singular and plural subjects and their corresponding verb forms.
These innovative grammar games, ESL activities and worksheets help students learn how to construct and use tag questions to find out, check, and confirm the accuracy of information. Students also learn how to match question tags to positive and negative statements and vice-versa.
On this page, you will find fun activities, games and worksheets to help students learn and practice There is and There are. The resources include practice of affirmative and negative statements using the structure as well as questions and short answers using Is there...? and Are there...? You will also find materials to help students use There is/are... along with prepositions of place to describe pictures and places.
These outstanding grammar activities, games and worksheets can be used to help teach students the various forms of used to, e.g. didn't use to, get used to, etc. Students can also learn how to ask and answer Did you use to...? questions and practice using used to to talk about memories, past habits and recent changes.
These fun grammar games help students to master the verb to be. Here you will also find a range of ESL activities and worksheets to help students practice making affirmative and negative statements as well as yes/no questions and short answers using the verb to be.
In this section, you will find ESL grammar activities, games and worksheets to help students learn how to form Wh questions in a range of tenses. The resources also help students practice asking and answering questions using a variety of question forms and topics.

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